Curated & layered, but clutter-free
Great choices, just for you
Splurge or save - sky is the limit of creativity!
Our options are not limited to affiliated vendors / products like e-design platforms or retailers’ in-house design services. We can craft our own built-in shelving unit to showcase your family hairloom china, and refinish vintage dining chairs topped with custom cushions. But we are also open to work with a floor model sofa that you found super comfy, which could be perfect with new pillows in novelty fabrics. No need to stress – we help you prioritize and stretch your budget smartly to complete the project.
Caring details personally
Simply put, we want you to be happy at home.
While we utilize remote working technologies to efficiently communicate and keep the progress on track whenever appropriate, we always lay eyes on your space personally throughout the project. All dimensions are confirmed to ensure exact fit and for functional requirements that are specific to your space. Colors are reviewed under different lights of the day, and fabrics are tested by hand. We seek a holistic process, because we know home is the most important place in your world.
Hands-on (or off) as needed
Custom decor, custom process.
We are a quintasensual boutique NYC studio looking to craft fine art of interiors – while our goal is to make the process transparent and this wonderful journey accessible for new homeowners. Everyone has different needs – maybe you are decisive in making selections or thrive in the project management… or, not at all! We are happy to give as much hand-holding as you may need. From the get-go, we establish a robust “roadmap” to-do list, so that you know exactly what to expect in terms of your involvement. Our “pay as you go” hourly design fees will allow a transformation one step at a time (or at full speed) with a budget you’re in control of.